Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Yoo Hoo! It's a Minnie Birthday!

On November 2, 2011, our little ray of sunshine turned 1 year old. It's hard to believe a whole year has passed since we got to hold our sweet girl for the first time. She has brought so much joy to our family over the past year, and we can't wait for many more to come.

For Bailey's actual birthday on Wednesday, I took the day off from work, we had lunch with Daddy and ran a few errands to finish getting ready for the big party on Saturday. Then we had a family party with all the Luces, Kings, and Buzbys that night. Aunt Pam made yummy lasagna, and Bailey got to eat her first cupcake. She really liked it and said, "mmmmmm." She also got to open some presents.

Then on Saturday, November 5, we had our first birthday party, Minnie Mouse style. We had friends and family over and all the kids had a great time. I'll let the pictures do the talking, since there are lots:

The invitations

Bailey and Uncle Adam

Bailey and Daddy

She loves her slide! Thanks, Grandaddy, for building us this playset. It was a big hit!

Watching Brianna play on the slide

Sitting with Maw Maw eating her favorite snack, cheese puffs

Proud Mama and Daddy

Playing with Tanner in the fun blow-up bouncer from Aunt Lisa.

Front door step

Aunt Glinda, Luca, Lauren, G-Bob, Uncle Adam, and Nico at the party

Uncle Andrew, Greg, and Cody

Food table outside

The birthday girl's cupcake

Minnie Mouse cookies

The dessert table

Grandaddy, Greg, and Aunt Pam

Party guests watching all the fun!

Minnie Mouse cake pops

Party hats

The birthday cake


Luca, not too sure about his hat

Uncle Adam swinging Bailey

Luca and Bailey

Daddy helping Bailey read her card

Opening presents

Cody and Colton

Karolina and Brianna helping Bailey with the puzzles

Riding her new pony

Aunt Pam and Bailey

Wondering why everyone is standing around singing

This is the first thing she did when it was time to eat the cupcake.

Finally got her to get her hands messy!

All that sweet stuff makes a girl thirsty!
Nana and Bailey

Mommy and Bebe got in on the fun too!

Bailey and her cousin Colton

It's hard to get a good picture with these two.
Aunt Lisa and Uncle Adam helping Bailey play with her blocks

G-Bob plays too.

This is what she looked like by the end of the day.

 Thanks to all our friends and family who helped make Bailey's first birthday extra special! We love you all!

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